Shawn Sells Houses

Your Local Real Estate Company Serving the Community      Call Us! 603-748-7633

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Weak or Blemished Credit? We Have Rent to Own Homes in Hillsboro, NH and Surrounding Areas Available For You!

If you’re tired of renting, and you want to own a home in Hillsboro, NH and Surrounding Areas but your credit, lack of down payment or income hold you back from qualifying for a normal bank loan… a “rent to own”, often called “lease option” or “lease purchase” may be a  great fit for you.

We specialize in helping Hillsborough area residents earn the satisfaction of being a home owner through our Hillsboro, NH and Surrounding Areas Rent To Own Home Program.

Shawn Sells Houses offers great rent-to-own houses and apartments in and around Hillsborough … in conjunction with our help to get your credit up so you can purchase the home in as short of a timeline as possible.
Want to know when the best properties hit the market?

What Are The Types Of Rent To Own Homes In Hillsboro, NH and Surrounding Areas We Offer?

Our local rent to own homes the Hillsborough area are move-in ready, in good neighborhoods, and often freshly updated. Inquire with us on this site for available properties.

We acquire houses every month from homeowners who need to sell for one reason or another. Often times we remodel the homes to bring them up to date and up to insanely great shape for a new rent to own tenant / buyer like yourself to move into.

The types of houses we tend to offer for our Rent To Own Home Program include…

  • 2 – 4 bedroom homes
  • 1,400 – 2,500 square feet
  • Updated kitchens and bathrooms
  • Often times many upgrades

Each rent to own house is different, so there’s definitely the perfect rent to own house out there for you.

Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page here <<

 How Does A Rent To Own / Lease Option Work Anyway?

A rent-to-own (also known as a lease/option) agreement might be right for you!

It’s easier than you think – and we can help.

The rent to own process is really pretty straightforward.


Step 1: Submit your info on this website and let us know the type of house you’re looking for.

Step 2: We acquire new properties each month and we will send you email alerts when the latest properties are available in the Hillsboro, NH and Surrounding Areas. You may unsubscribe any time 🙂 

Step 3: Check out our current available rent to own houses in your area after filling out our form!

Shawn is a resident of the great state of New Hampshire. He is a husband and father. He has lived in New Hampshire for over a decade. Before that he lived in Massachusetts for about a decade, and before that he traveled the world with his parents. His dad is retired Air Force. He got to see Europe, Turkey, and many US Air Force bases growing up.

Shawn loves to fly. Early in adulthood he got his private pilot’s license and loved every minute of it!
He has done many things before getting into real estate. Some of which are plumbing, manufacturing, and being technician, to name a few.

Shawn loves spending time with his family and building memories as much as possible. He and his family like to volunteer at their church and help where ever there is a need.

Shawn has always had a fascination with real estate. Around the end of 2007 he tried to buy and flip a house and as we all know 2008 came along a really crushed a lot of people. Shawn was one of them. While he did not lose that house, he did have to exit it through a short sale. Shawn and his family put a lot of hard work into that property and didn’t make any money. He ended up paying taxes after not making any money. That being his first experience in real estate scared him for a while from jumping back into real estate. But that couldn’t stop Shawn from learning all he could from those that are successful in the real estate space.

Shawn learned a lot from that experience and now he employees what he has learned since then. Shawn does buy and sell, but he has a passion for helping people out that are in tough situations. Shawn likes the challenge of getting creative and finding a win-win-win situation for everyone. A win for you, me, and the future buyer.
Let’s talk!


We wanted stability for our kids

You gave it to us. You made our dream a REALITY . We are very grateful for Shawn Sells Houses. It was EXACTLY what we were looking for. Moving into a home that we would buy later, so that we don’t have to move again and again. Our family has the stability we were after. –Hillsborough


Your company has been phenomenal, thank you for the great support!   Megan D.


We had a great experience with Shawn Sells Houses. It was an excellent way for us to get into another home while trying to sell our old home. We bought the property that we rented. We really love the house. Shawn Sells Houses was very professional and they worked really hard to help us. We would recommend them to anyone who would like to rent and eventually buy. Thank you, John and Victoria


Helping us see a future again.

After being financially destroyed from the recession of 2008-2010, we found ourselves in a difficult position. We had a great income and could afford to buy but we were unable to due to financial regulations. Shawn Sells Houses gave us the best option to live in the home we want to buy at an affordable price. Highly recommend for those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Michael H.


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